CCT Version 2024-04-23 00:00:00 Time flies when you're having fun! File out: ..\..\..\OutputFiles\CCTOut_J_TESTGETPOSIXTIME.txt ========= TestGetPosixTime() ========= ------ Populate Common Calendar (CCT) from Posix date and time -------- --- call Posix time() - (time_t is seconds since 1970-01-01 'UTC' without leap-seconds) --- Get most recent leap-second from CCT leap-Seconds table. --- add 27 leap-seconds to 1970Seconds --- Set CCT binary params from 1970SecsUTC including zone Etc/UTC and rate CLOCK_0 (seconds) --- call CCct->SetSecsFrac() to populate the class CCbf data --- Construct CCcf character format from CCbf data and print D2024-04-27T22:44:04U+00Zetc/utcAutcV2021aL27MuX --- Create a new CCT instance for America/New_York --- Convert date-time from Etc/UTC instance to America/New_York instance UTC to New York i64Offset -14400 --- Construct CCcf character format from class CCbf data and print D2024-04-27T18:44:04U-04Zamerica/new_yorkAedtV2021aL27S01cMuX ----- YMDhms via native Posix time API calls for comparison ----- --- call Posix localtime() (converts time_t ('UTC') to struct tm (local YMDhms)) 2024-04-27 18:44:04 time_t 1714257844 --- call Posix gmtime() (converts time_t ('UTC') to struct tm ('UTC' YMDhms)) 2024-04-27 22:44:04 time_t 1714257844 Your time is up.